

考研动态 adm1n 浏览 查看评论



Dear Bob,

After a pleasant journey I have arrived safely in Beijing. In my luggage, however, I

discovered with great surprise the CD which you had kindly lent me earlier on. I do not know how it ended up in my bag, but it must be by a mistake.

I am sincerely sorry for this, but I have already put the CD into a parcel and sent it back to you by registered mail. If everything goes smoothly, the post office told me, you shall get the parcel in a week’s time. My study in Canada was a happy time and your wonderful accommodation added much to the pleasure of my stay. I believe this experience will remain in my memory the rest of my life.

If ever you have a chance to come to China, I shall be here to welcome you.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming


1. have arrived safely 已安全抵达

2. with great surprise 十分惊奇

3. end up 最终

4. everything goes smoothly 事情进展顺利

5. accommodation n.提供食宿

6. add much to the pleasure 增加了愉悦之情

7. remain in my memory the rest of my life 在今后的岁月里我将一直记得


第一段:第 1-2 句交代写信的原因—在抵达北京后发现借的 CD 没有归还;第 3 句提出此错


第二段:第 1 句表示歉意并提出弥补措施—已经将 CD 寄回去。第 2 句补充说明邮寄的 CD


第三段:第 1 句回顾在加拿大的美好时光以及对方对自己的照顾;第 2 句在第 1 句的基础上

提出永远不会忘记加拿大的经历;第 3 句表示期望有机会能回报对方


Dear Bob,

After a pleasant journey I have arrived safely in Beijing. As I was unpacking my luggage, I

discovered with great surprise the CD which you had kindly lent me. I am sorry I have forgotten

to return the CD. To make up for my carelessness, I have already mailed the CD to you by

registered mail. If everything goes smoothly, you will get it in a week’s time.

My study in Canada was a happy experience and your wonderful accommodation added

much to the pleasure of my stay. I believe this experience will remain in my memory the rest of

my life and hope I will have a chance to repay you for your kindly help.

Yours sincerely

Li Ming




的 CD。抱歉,我忘记归还 CD 了。为了弥补我的粗心,我已经将CD通过挂号信寄给你了。








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