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The problem with this line of thinking is that once you start contemplating all the ways that cultural biases can seep into the science, it doesn’t stop at dairy-based desserts. If the ice-cream effect can be set aside, how should we think about other signals produced by the same research tools? It’s widely known that yogurt eaters on average are healthier, leaner, wealthier, better educated, more physically active, more likely to read labels, more likely to be female, and less likely to smoke or drink or eat Big Macs than never-yogurters.


Yogurt eaters were mentioned to show that___. eaters do not care about their health

B.cultural biases distort results in both directions

C.dairy products are not as good as people believe

D.same research tools fail to produce same results

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The problem with this line of thinking is that once you start contemplating all the ways that cultural biases can seep into the science,it doesn’t stop at dairy-based desserts.



If the ice-cream effect can be set aside, how should we think about other signals produced by the same research tools?



It’s widely known that yogurt eaters on average are healthier, leaner, wealthier, better educated, more physicallyactive, more likely to read labels, more likely to be female, and less likely to smoke or drink or eat Big Macs than never-yogurters.



Yogurt eaters were mentioned to show that___.提到吃酸奶的人是为了表明___。A. ice-cream eaters do not care about their health(吃冰淇淋的人不关心他们的健康)B. cultural biases distort results in both directions(文化偏见会扭曲两个方向的结果)C. dairy products are not as good as people believe(奶制品没有人们相信的那么好)D. same research tools fail to produce same results(同样的研究工具不能产生同样的结果)

答案选B。今天的题目是一道例证题,要从结论入手。第一句话是结论,后面两句是例子,你就算后面一点也看不懂,也要知道第一句话是你要认同的。很多同学可能一句话都没搞明白,但是那就不做题了?所以关键就是找到结论句中的主干名词,也就是第一句话中的“cultural biases”,所以B一下子就能被选出来。

A选项,没谈到;C选项, 不是奶制品好,也不是奶制品不好,文章主要谈的还是一个偏见问题;D选项,根本没聊研究工具的问题。


line of thinking 思路

contemplating 沉思

cultural biases 文化偏见

seep into 渗入

dairy-based 以乳制品为基础

desserts n. 甜点

set aside 放在一边

signals n. 信号

research tools 研究工具

widely adv. 广泛地

yogurt n. 酸奶

on average 平均而言

leaner adj. 更瘦

physically adv. 身体上

labels n. 标签

Big Macs 巨无霸

never-yogurters 从不喝酸奶的人




The Ice-cream Conspiracy(冰淇淋阴谋)



But the evidence base is far from unequivocal. A 2017 umbrella review of meta-analyses of randomised controlled trials, widely considered the gold standard when it comes to gathering reliable evidence, found that 80 per cent of them came down in favour of psychotherapy working to some degree. The problem is that only 7 per cent of the studies in question provided convincing evidence that psychotherapy is effective.




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