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Greek Mythologies Reading古希腊神话阅读

Reading theme: Origin 阅读主题:起源

The first day 第1天:

Introduction 简介:

I.What is myth? 1、什么是神话?

II.Myths all over the world 2、世界各地神话故事

III.Why myth? What do myths bring us? 3、为何要读神话?神话能带给我们什么?

IV.Starting from Greek myths 4、从希腊神话开始

V.General introduction of the reading plan 5、阅读计划简介

The second and third day 第2-3天:

The origin of the world 世界的起源

I.The beginning: chaos 1、万物之始:混沌

II.The beginning: the separation of Gaia and Uranos 2、万物之始:盖亚与乌拉诺斯分开

i. The anger of Gaia ⑴ 盖亚的愤怒

ii. Help from Chronos (The god of time) ⑵ 柯罗诺斯(时间之神)的帮助

iii. The fall of Uranos ⑶ 乌拉诺斯之败落

III.The beginning: the birth of Zeus 3、万物之始:宙斯的降生

i. The curse befalling Chronos ⑴ 柯罗诺斯遭遇诅咒

ii. The plan of Rhea ⑵ 瑞亚的计划

iii. Zeus growing up ⑶ 宙斯长大

iv. Zeus freeing his sisters and brothers ⑷ 宙斯救出他的哥哥姐姐

IV.The beginning: the Olympian gods 4、万物之始:奥林匹斯诸神

i. The war of the Titans ⑴ 泰坦神之战

ii. The new rulers of the world ⑵ 世界新统治者

V. More to think 5、延伸思考

i. What is chaos? Can you picture it in your head? ⑴ 混沌是什么样的?你能想象混沌的样子吗?

ii. The chaos described in Metamorphoses by Ovid ⑵ 阅读奥维德《变形记》中关于“混沌”的一段描述

Iii. Do you know other creation myths? Any differences or similarities? 你知道其他创世神话故事吗?有何异同?

The fourth day 第4天:

The origin of the seasons 四季的由来

I.How did seasons come into being? 1、四季怎么来的?

i. Demeter’s loss of her beloved daughter Persephone ⑴ 得墨忒耳痛失爱女珀尔塞福涅

ii. Zeus striking a deal with Hades ⑵ 宙斯与哈迪斯达成协议

II.Chinese myth on four seasons 2、有关四季的中国神话

i. Problems appeared due to seasonal confusion ⑴ 季节混乱带来的问题

ii. Jade Emperor solving the problem ⑵ 玉皇大帝解决问题

iii. The four guardians of the seasons ⑶ 四季之保护神

III.More to think 延伸思考

i. What are the differences and similarities between these myths on four seasons? ⑴ 希腊神话和中国神话中关于四季的由来有何异同?

ii. What can you think of regarding these differences? ⑵ 通过这些异同能想到什么?

iii. What does the eternal cycle of death and rebirth bring us? ⑶ 死亡和重生永恒循环的话题能带给我们什么启示?

The fifth day 第5天:

The origin of fire (human beings) 火(人类)的起源

I.Who brought humans fire? 1、谁为人类带来火种?

i. Prometheus makes man ⑴ 普罗米修斯造人

ii. Zeus punished humans ⑵ 宙斯惩罚人类

iii. Prometheus stole fire for humans ⑶ 普罗米修斯为人类偷火

II.More to think 2、延伸思考

i. What is the difference between Prometheus making man and Nu Kwa making man in the Chinese myth? ⑴ 普罗米修斯造人和中国神话中女娲造人有何不同?

ii. What does fire represent in the myth? ⑵ 神话故事中火的意象代表什么?

The sixth day 第6天:

The origin of plants and animals 植物和动物起源

I.The images of plants and flowers in the Greek myths 1、古希腊神话中植物和花的意象

II.The images of animals in the Greek myths 2、古希腊神话中的动物意象

III.More to think 3、延伸思考

i. Can you find plants and animals in the Chinese myths? ⑴ 中国神话故事中能找到植物和动物的意象吗?

ii. What do they symbolize? ⑵ 这些意象象征什么?

Main sources 主要参考来源:

Greek Myths: Meet the heroes, gods, and monsters of ancient Greece, Jean Menzies, Katie Ponder (illustrator), Dorling Kindersley Limited, London, 2020

Greek Myth for Young Children, Heather Amery, Usborne Publishing Ltd, London, 2011





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