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1. What’s the relationship between the speakers?

A. Teacher and student.

B. Parent and child.

C. Teacher and parent.

2. How is the woman?

A. Confused.

B. Creative.

C. Capable.

3. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Public transport.

B. Smoking ban.

C. Indoor activities.

4. What is Grandma busy doing now?

A. Cooking.

B. Shopping.

C. Knitting.

5. How long has Robby been in China?

A. 4.5 years.

B. 7 years.

C. 15 years.




6. Where is Keven probably?

A. In the car.

B. At school.

C. At home.

7. What time is it now?

A. 8:00.

B. 8:10.

C. 8:30.


8. What car does the woman ring for?

A. A blue American car.

B. A black Japanese car.

C. A blue Italian car.

9. Why doesn’t the woman want the green sports car?

A. It doesn’t have a powerful engine.

B. She doesn’t like the color.

C. It’s too fast.


10. What was the woman doing in the morning?

A. Drinking tea.

B. Hanging out.

C. Sitting in the bed.

11. Why is it very noisy?

A. People are digging a hole.

B. Some roads are being built.

C. It’s on a crowded street.

12. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a pub.

B. In a house.

C. In a hotel.


13. What does Peter ask Wendy to help?

A. Shop online.

B. Make a decision.

C. Clean his room.

14. What color are the curtains?

A. Green.

B. Red.

C. Yellow.

15. What’s Peter?

A. A student.

B. A shop assistant.

C. A designer.

16. What happened finally?

A. Wendy can do nothing.

B. They watch a movie.

C. Peter finds his favorite poster.


17. Where are Goel’s students from?

A. A university.

B. All over the world.

C. The United States.

18. Why can’t the students get enough help?

A. There are only six teaching assistants.

B. There are too many exams for them.

C. There are too many students.

19. When did Jill Watson join the teaching team?

A. At the beginning of the New Year.

B. At the end of the semester.

C. At the beginning of the semester.

20. Who is Jill Watson?

A. A professor.

B. A computer program.

C. A teaching assistant.







Text 1

W: First I will talk about the difficulty of the course and how much pressure it puts on students and so on. After that, you can ask anything about your child.

M: Thanks, Mrs. Hill.

Text 2

W: I don’t know what to do after graduation from college. I am at a real loss.

M: If you don’t have a plan, create it. Once you get it, start to fight for it.

Text 3

M: Shanghai will ban smoking in all indoor public places, workplaces and public transport from March, 2017.

W: I’m very glad to hear that.

Text 4

M: Grandma, when you finish knitting, can we make some cookies?

W: OK. Well, I’m afraid we have to buy some flours and nuts first.

Text 5

W: Robby, I know that you’re from Australia. When did you move here?

M: Well, I moved to China about 4 and a half years ago. I’m originally from Germany, where I lived until I was 15. And I moved here after living in Australia for maybe 7 years.

Text 6

W: (6)Keven, what are you doing? It’s already over eight o’clock!

M: What’s the panic, Mum? I’ve got lots of time.

W: But, you need to be at school at 8:30.

M: What time does Dad leave for work?

W: He’s leaving right now.

M: Can he give me a lift to school?

W: Yes, are you ready?

M: Is he going now?

W: Yes, he’s sitting in the car waiting for you!

M: I’m ready now! (7)It’s ten past eight. Goodbye.

Text 7

M: Hello, Martin’s Cars, how can I help you?

W: I’m ringing about the cheap car advertised in today’s paper.

M: Is that the black Japanese family car?

W: No, (8)it’s the blue American car.

M: I’m afraid that’s sold, but we have a lovely green Italian sports car for next day’s paper.

W: Does it have a powerful engine?

M: Oh, yes. It’s very fast.

W: (9)But I need a slow family car.

M: The only one of those that we have is blue.

W: I’m afraid I don’t like blue cars.

Text 8

M: Good morning. Can I help you?

W: Yes, I was just wondering if it would be possible to change the room we’re in.

M: Yes, I’m sure what will be OK. Could I ask why you want to change, though?

W: (10)It’s very noisy when we’re sitting on the balcony and drinking our tea in the morning.

M: Ah, yes. (11)That’s because there are some roadworks going on at the moment.

W: It sounds as if they’re digging up the whole road!

M: I think they’re going to be finishing in the next few days.

W: I see. But would you be able to find us another room, please?

M: (12)Yes, Room 8 is free. It’s at the back of the hotel. That should be much quieter for you.

Text 9

M: Wendy, can you help me? (13)I want to buy something new for my room. Look at this great website. They’ve got amazing things.

W: OK. There are beautiful curtains. Are there any curtains on your window?

M: Yes, there are.

W: What color are they?

M: (14)They’re red. There’s a red blanket on my bed, too. Red is my favorite color.

W: I can see that. How many pillows have you got?

M: Six. Three ones are yellow, and the others are green. I’ve got a big bed.

W: OK, so forget about a new pillow. I know, maybe a lamp. Do you like this lamp?

M: Yes, but I’ve got a lamp.

W: Where is it?

M: It’s on my desk. (15)I do homework at my desk at night.

W: Yeah, me too. How about some posters? There are some nice posters on the website.

M: There are posters on all my walls. I’ve got posters of my favorite movie stars.

W: OK, that’s it. (16)I can’t find anything for your room. You’ve already got everything!

Text 10

W: Ashok Goel is an American professor who teaches online. Every term over 300 students take his class.

The students never meet in person. All of the classes take place online—through a website. (17)The site lets students ask questions and complete their work from anywhere in the world.

Having hundreds of students in a class means Ashok Goel has to answer thousands of questions. (18)He has eight teaching assistants to help him. But even that is not enough to give all the students the help they need.

So, in January, Goel had an idea. First, he noticed that each term his students were asking many of the same questions. Then he decided to try an experiment.

(19)At the start of the spring 2016 semester, he added a new member to his teaching team: Jill Watson. She was able to answer questions faster than most other teaching assistants. And she was available 24 hours a day.

It was only at the end of the semester that Goel’s students learned Watson’s secret:(20)she was not a real person like the other teaching assistants. Jill Watson is an AI computer program.

Goel says only two students came close to predicting Watson’s true identity.




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