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  越来越多的人加入到了考研大军的队伍中,导致考爷的竞争压力越来越大,选择适合自己的考研辅导班进行优质提升,可以针对性的选择适合自己的课程以及老师,获得全优发展。考研辅导班哪家比较好是很多考生关心的一个问题,选择的过程中千万不能盲目的跟风,需要结合情况进行专业判断,比如说辅导机构的专业化水平、自身的学习能力、预算,这些都是需要考虑的一些因素。  从客观市场来看,很多寒假考研辅导机构喜欢拿名师宣传,所以让一些考研人觉得这些名师后期会自己上课,事实上很多机构根本做不到这一点。如果说寒假考研辅导机构的老师教学经验不丰富或者实战不足,就会导致考验辅导的效果大打折扣。不少机构的老师甚至是刚刚研究生毕业的学生,这样就无法确保寒假考研辅导的效果了。

中国政法大学研究生院成立于1983年5月5日,在当时开新中国法学研究生教育之先河,是中国培养高层次法律人才的重要基地。建院25年来,已培养各类研究生近万名,新中国第一批法学硕士、第一批法学博士皆首出我院,1987年,新中国第一届法学博士研究生(3人)在本院毕业。目前在校研究生总数为 4836人,其中博士研究生为712人。我校法学研究生教育规模居全国第一,在校法学研究生总数为4355人。

Graduate School of China University of Political Science and Law

The Graduate School of China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) was founded on May 5, 1983, which was the first of its kind in law graduate education in China at that time and an important base for cultivating high-level legal talents in China. Since its establishment 25 years ago, it has cultivated nearly 10,000 graduate students of all kinds. The first batch of master of law and the first batch of doctor of law of New China were both issued to our school. In 1987, the first class of doctor of law of New China (3 students) graduated from our school. At present, the total number of graduate students in the university is 4836, including 712 doctoral students. The scale of law graduate education in our university ranks first in China, with a total of 4,355 law graduate students.




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