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吉林大学研究生管理系统,吉林大学研究生管理系统官网   高途考研英语除了提供书本知识的培训之外,也会重点关注学生们的英语口语能力。有些专业是需要学生参加英语口语测试的,测试的成绩也会影响自己的考研结果。在高途考研参加英语课程培训,学生们能够学习口语测试的应试技巧,机构内的教师教学经验丰富,多年的考研培训经验,也让他们清楚的了解考研英语的口语测试流程,为学生们提供更加专业的口语测试模拟场景,让学生们可以在口语测试环节更加放松。  报考的考研辅导班后,我们就可以直接跟着考研辅导班的教师来进行学习就可以了。这些教师会为我们规划一个考研的一个进度,让我们不需要去担心学得太早,或者说学得太晚,但是到考试前还没有复习结束这些问题。


The Graduate School of Jilin University, founded in June 1984, is one of the first pilot graduate schools of 22 key universities in China approved by the State Council. The graduate education of Jilin University started earlier. It began to enroll graduate students in 1949, three-year graduate students in 1952, and degree graduate students in 1978. In October 1985, with the approval of the State Council, Jilin University became one of the first units to establish a post-doctoral research station. In March 1996, with the approval of the former State Education Commission, it became one of the first graduate schools to be officially established. The graduate education is more complete, covering 12 disciplines including philosophy, economics, law, pedagogy, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, military science and management science.




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