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21日,浙江农林大学考研学生正在做核酸检测 图源:中国日报

  1. 考试工作人员和考生核酸检测应检尽检



All examinees and monitors for the upcoming 2023 National Postgraduate Entrance Exam are required to take a nucleic acid test beforehand, according to a notice from the Ministry of Education. The notice, jointly issued by the Ministry of Education, the National Health Commission and the National Administration of Disease Prevention and Control, said utmost efforts should be made to ensure all examinees are able to safely take the exam as scheduled from Dec 24 to 26.

2. 设置核酸阳性考场


Local authorities should set up separate test centers for those who test positive for COVID-19.

3. 提倡全程佩戴口罩



Examinees should wear masks before entering test centers and are advised to keep them on during the exam. Each test center will be equipped with masks, hand sanitizer and at least one medical worker. Test centers should be properly ventilated and disinfected before and after each exam, and local authorities should take extra precautions to minimize the risk of infection.

4. 做好有关考生借考工作


Test takers who are in a different provincial region than where their designated test center is located can apply to take the exam in the region that they are currently in.

5. 各地研考疫情防控安排如何?


The education examinations authority in Jiangsu province has required all examinees to take a nucleic acid test on Tuesday and report their results on an online system before Wednesday, which will be used to determine which center the examinee will take the exam.


Examinees who test positive for COVID-19 and those who have high body temperatures will take the test in separate test centers, while those who test negative but show symptoms including fever, cough and fatigue should report to monitors immediately, the Jiangsu authority said.


6. 学校如何做好研考防疫工作?





Zhou Xia, executive deputy dean of postgraduate studies at the Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture, said a record 2,152 examinees are expected to take the exam at the university this year. The university has set aside 11 test centers for 291 examinees who test positive for COVID-19 to ensure they remain separate from other examinees, she said. The university has also arranged for extra monitors to participate in the exam and reminded them to take extra epidemic control precautions, Zhou said. The university is adequately equipped with epidemic control equipment. Each test center will be disinfected thoroughly twice a day, and the canteen will be disinfected once a day, she added.

7. 学生准备好了吗?




A Beijing examinee told China Daily that all the epidemic control measures have fully taken into consideration the health and safety of the test takers while ensuring that those who test positive for COVID-19 can still sit for the exam. She said she tested positive about 10 days ago but only had mild symptoms, so it has not really affected her study. “Although nobody wants to get infected, getting it early can make sure I am healthy during the exam,”she said. She said the pressure for the exam is very high and she would stop studying for some time whenever she felt depressed. “I have cried secretly sometimes, so I can just relieve the pressure by myself.”



来源:中国日报 教育部官网 江苏省教育考试院 北京教育考试院 北京建筑大学



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