

考研问答 adm1n 浏览 查看评论



  alleviate the Asian financial crisis 缓解亚洲金融危机

  apply economic sanctions against that country 对那个国家进行经济制裁。

  banking industry 金融业

  business partners 商业伙伴

  budget n./v. 预算

  business concentration 企业集中

  business cycle 经济循环

  business management 企业管理

  cost efficiency 成本效益

  commodity prices 商品价格

  commercial promotion商业促销

  channels of revenue 收入渠道

  contentious trade issue有争议的贸易问题

  customs revenues 关税收入


  a credit balance of $250 二百五十美元的存款余额

  devalued dollar 美元贬值

  double-digit inflation 十位数的通货膨涨

  depression 经济萧条

  economic decline 经济衰退

  economic recession 经济不景气

  economic revival 经济复苏

  emerging countries 新兴国家

  established business partners固定的商业伙伴

  energy-intensive industries能源密集型工业

  fading industrial competitiveness 日益削弱的工业竞争力

  family economics家庭经济状况

  fair play 公平竞争

  foreign investment 外国投资

  fluctuate crude oil prices (fluctuation of crude oil prices)使原油价格波动

  falling oil revenue日益减少的石油收入

  economic globalization process 经济全球化过程

  global excess demand 全球过量需求

  improvement in the export climate 改善出口环境

  injury claims伤害索赔

  interest-bearing cheque accounts有息支票账户

  investment returns投资回报

  market-oriented economy 市场导向的经济

  make profit 营利

  maximize profits 使利润最大化

  merger and acquisition合并和收购


  marketing messages销售信息

  operating costs 营业费用

  package deal 一揽子交易

  price system 价格体系

  price index 价格指数

  pickup in capital spending 资金投放增加

  private-enterprise 私人经营

  production costs 生产成本

  productive resources 生产资料

  provide further credits for the company向公司提供进一步的信贷

  real economy实体经济

  retail price 零售价

  raise tariff barriers against foreign imports 提高对外国进口货的关税壁垒

  re-engineering and downsizing 工程改组和缩小规模

  real-estate broker 房地产经记人

  revenue (税收等的)收入

  scrutiny 精查细看

  shift production from one place to another 把生产从一地转移到另一地

  surplus in trade 贸易顺差

  suspension of exports 中止出口


  tap the consumer market 扩大消费市场

  the total collapse of national economy 国民经济的全面崩溃

  trade and investment barriers 贸易和投资壁垒

  tax cuts in this year’s budget 本年度预算中税收削减

  trade barrier 贸易壁垒

  trade balance贸易平衡

  trade imbalance贸易不平衡



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